The National Capital Region Construction ITC (NCR-CITC) was constituted on 23 September 2014 at the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC), making it DOLE-NCR’s 7th ITC. A total of eighty-one (81) members from the tripartite body graced the event with messages of support from each sector serving as inspiration for an unending partnership and collaboration.
The meeting was chaired by NCR Regional Director and NCR-CITC Chair Alex Avila who also conducted the oath taking of the duly elected CITC Officers.

Oath Taking by NCR-CITC Officers
In the run-up to the constitution of the NCR-CITC, DOLE-NCR conducted consultative meetings to constitute the Construction ITC in the National Capital Region. In the meetings which were held on May 22, June 16, July 9, August 5, and September 2, 2014, the stakeholders discussed the proposed Guidelines, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), and Voluntary Code of Good Practices (VCGP) governing the industry. Sectoral representatives were also selected including the Vice-Chairmen from the labor and management groups.
The Construction Industry Tripartite Council serves primarily as a forum for tripartite advisement and consultation among labor, employer, and government sectors in the formulation and implementation of labor and social policies.
The Construction Industry Tripartite Council has the following specific functions/objectives:
- To serve as an information network specifically on labor relations and employment issues and industry configurations in the appropriate level;
- To monitor compliance with sectoral commitments as embodied in national, regional, local or industry tripartite accords;
- To ensure the implementation of the action plan relative to the Philippine Decent Work Common Agenda;
- To assist the concerned agencies in the identification of industries or establishments with potentials for growth, as well as industries and establishments which are likely to experience labor disputes or in need of appropriate responses with respect to industry-specific concerns;
- To lend support to DOLE agencies in the resolution of industrial disputes;
- To undertake project toward the formulation of tripartite views, policy and program proposals, legislative proposals, and appropriate recommendations on labor, economic and social concerns for submission to concerned agencies;
- To coordinate with and render technical assistance/advice to the appropriate agencies or councils in matters relating to labor and employment;
- To promote the active participation of workers and employers in policy formulation and development; and
- Adopt its own program of activities and rules, consistent with development objectives
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