The NCR Construction Safety Watch was launched creating a safety violation and accident reporting tool. Reports will be directly submitted to DOLE-NCR for action. The NCR Construction Safety Watch is a program of the National Capital Region Construction Industry Tripartite Council.

No safety shoes and other PPE

Worker without harness and lifeline
The Construction Safety Watch Program encourages members of the public to report safety violations, construction accidents, unsafe work site and absence of DOLE approved Construction Safety and Health Program (CSHP) at construction sites within the National Capital Region (NCR) by completing an online report form. This form is directly submitted to DOLE-NCR for action. These reports will impact positively and enhance construction safety in the NCR. This action will help prevent damage, injuries and fatalities.
Construction safety is one of the cornerstones of the NCR-CITC. Its formation MOU stipulates as follows: “To advocate programs pertaining to the Decent Work Agenda such as working conditions particularly occupational safety and health, productivity improvement, and skills training due to advancement in technology”. The NCR Construction Safety Watch Program is fully consistent with with this advocacy.
Construction Safety is one of the most important aspects in the Construction Industry. Properly implemented safety measures not only prevents injuries but saves lives. DOLE Department Order No. 13, series of 1998 requires that every construction project shall have a project specific Construction Safety and Health Program (CSHP) approved by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
After the Eton Incident in Makati in early 2011 various measures were put into place to instill a culture of safety in the construction industry. DOLE, DTI (including CIAP, PCAB and CMDF), DILG, DPWH and PRC entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) regarding action to be taken.
Consequent to this they issued Joint Administrative Order (JAO) No. 1, series of 2011 (MOA-JAO) implementing the action agreed upon in the MOA. and issued a The National Building Official (DPWH Secretary) has directed all Local Building Officials to require a DOLE approved CSHP for the building project as a prerequisite for the issuance of any Building Permit (NBC Memorandum No. 02, series of 2011). Some of the further measures put in place by the MOA-JAO are the following:
- Business License Officials to require a valid PCAB license before issuing a Business license to construction contractors.
- Requiring that all construction workers undergo a one day (8 hour) safety orientation before being deployed at any construction site (one time training requirement).
- Requiring the Authorized Managing Officer (AMO) or proprietor of construction firms to undergo a two day seminar as PCAB license prerequisite.
- Requiring the proprietor (in the case of a sole proprietorship) or senior management officer to undergo the 40 hour Construction Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) Training Course for site safety officers as PCAB licence prerequisite.
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