The Strategic Planning conducted by the National Capital Region Construction Industry Tripartite Council (NCR-CITC) on 10 and 11 October 2017 was a big success. The Strategic Planning was held at Hotel H2O, Manila Ocean Park.

NCR Director Henry John Jalbuena. BLR Director Benjo Benavidez, DOLE Assistant USec. Alex Avila, et al
NCR Director Henry John S. Jalbuena opened the Strategic Planning and delivered the Welcome Message. Assistant Regional Director Sarah Buena S. Mirasol provided the overview of activities. Construction as Key Employment Generator (KEG) under the Trabaho, Negosyo, Kabuhayan (TNK) Employment and Livelihood Blueprint was presented by DTI Under Secretary Ruth B, Castelo and Tripartism and Social Dialogue by Atty. Marisa P. Garcia from the Bureau of Labor Relations. Former NCR Director Alex Avila and former NCR Assistant Director, Benjo Benavidez also attended part of the proceedings. Alex Avila is now Assistant Under Secretary DOLE. Benjo Benavidez is now Director Bureau of Labor Relations.
Strategic Planning
Director Adeline T. De Castro of Planning Services (DOLE) led the Strategic Planning after presenting the Workshop Mechanics. The attendees were first tasked with formulation the Vision and Mission of the CITC. They were thereafter required to define issues to address in order to achieve its Vision as well as the Programs needed to do it. Consensus was found among both Management and Labor that the underlying Vision is the attainment of a level playing field in the construction industry. Management and Labor agreed that the licensing of all construction contractors, including sub- and specialty contractors, by the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) was the key. Less than 10% of contractors in the country are licensed as mandated by law (R.A. 4566).
A Special Working Group, consisting of Management and Labor was formed to discuss and finalize the Workshop output. The Working Group output will be submitted to the CITC at its next meeting for approval.
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